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Friday, October 11, 2013

Book club ideas!

Bargain Hunters, fans of Edgar Allan Poe, Post-Apocalyptic fiction lovers, book clubs, plague aficionados, people who just generally like me as a person or as a writer...if you haven't read Masque of the Red Death, October is your time to do so!


Masque is an October Big Deal- which means you can get it for 1.99

And should be available from other e-retailers at that price as well!

If you prefer an actual book in your hand- the paperback is out, and beautiful, and the hardcover can be bought at bargain price, as well

I've heard from several book clubs who are reading Masque in October- if you are one, be sure to let me know and I'll send you bookmarks! I was thinking of putting together a prize package for a book club, searching for raven cookies, poe cupcakes, then I decided, instead, why not let the book club show me their creativity? so, from now until the end of November, send me a picture that shows me your book club is the most awesome book club reading Masque, and I'll send the winning book club up to 10 copies (depending on the amount of readers pictured) of Dance of the Red Death!

To help you out, I've started a Poe themed party ideas board on pinterest with things like this, though Masque related items would also be cool!

To enter the contest- a group of 3 or more should read Masque together. Take pictures, record discussions, and send to me by the end of November! My email is if you'd put Masque contest in the subject line that would be marvelous!